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Red LAPA is the only network from the Latin
American and Caribbean region that brings together all the
organizations that work for the protection and welfare of animals.

Together we can
make a difference


the Latin American
Animal Protection Network

The union of 22 23 organizations from the Latin American region that have joined as Founding Members, constitute Red LAPA or Latin American Network for Animal Protection, the first regional network created by and for the different Latino organizations that ensure the welfare and protection of animal

Among the founding members there are entities that work on issues as important and diverse as the humane control of cat and dog populations, shelters, political lobbying and public policies for animals, mistreatment and theft of equines, campaigns to get chickens out of cages. , animal rights, veganism and aid to animals victims of disasters.

According to Maricinia Álvares, representative of Asoguau foundation based in Valencia, Venezuela, “Red LAPA presents an enormous opportunity to, from our region and perspective, generate learning and education on issues that concern us.”

The objectives of Red LAPA are focused on uniting the region in terms of animal protection and welfare and serving as a link between the region and international organizations that have an interest in collaborating in Latin America.

Luis Sarmiento, Director of Proyecto ALA Animales Latino América and manager of Red LAPA, considers that, “we needed a network that would unite regional organizations with local knowledge and that had as priorities the exchange of experiences, learning training, facilitating the distribution of information and joint work on certain issues that occur from Mexico to Argentina and affect our animals. “

The network will also count with members from the international community as observers and of course apart from our founding members, we will are welcoming the rest of the Latin animal protection community.

About Zoo

Words about
Animal World Zoo

Ghost pipefish yellow bass New Zealand sand diver eulachon brook lamprey driftfish, Atlantic trout. Mudfish: blue eye, arrowtooth eel french angelfish yellowfin pike unicorn fish.

Rudderfish long-finned pike–razorfish menhaden paradise fish, barramundi oceanic flyingfish. Fangtooth yellowtail banded killifish seamoth triplefin blenny


Help us more
protect animals

Rudderfish long-finned pike–razorfish menhaden paradise fish, barramundi oceanic flyingfish.
Organización de beneficencia

Proyecto ALa

Proyecto ALA es una organización de beneficencia dedicada a cambiar al mundo mediante numerosas iniciativas diseñadas para ayudar a los animales necesitados. 

Creemos que juntos podemos marcar una diferencia en el mundo para las futuras generaciones. Nuestra iniciativa ayuda a los animales en condición de vulnerabilidad y negligencia o que son víctimas de crueldad y maltrato. 

Esto se logra mediante trabajo directo en las comunidades más vulnerables, con alianzas estratégicas que permiten promover el bienestar animal como componente integral del cambio de actitudes y acciones en las personas y su inclusión en las políticas públicas o empresariales, y fortaleciendo a las organizaciones protectoras de animales de base. 

Todo esto redundará en beneficios para el ambiente, las personas y los animales mismos.


a sincere

Founders members

Red LAPA has as a base 22 organizations, from Mexico to Argentina as well as from the Caribbean; each one of them play an important role in the welfare of animals in their city or country.

So, after discussions with these organizations, each and every one of them agreed on the need and importance of having a regional network of animal welfare and protection organizations and of course being founding members of LAPA. All of these organizations are legally established in their countries and work on various fields of animal protection such as dog and cat shelters, animal rescue, humane education, animal law, animals in disasters, equine rescue, cage banning, veganism, reductionism, amongst others.


What happening
nearest future

Featured Image
10 - 11 AM
10 November
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13 - 15 PM
10 November
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15 - 18 PM
10 November
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Main Event

Monkeys day
in our Zoo

Rudderfish long-finned pike–razorfish menhaden paradise fish, barramundi oceanic flyingfish. Blenny barfish false cat shark halibut. Dolly Varden trout lake trout. Pelagic cod swordtail

Thornyhead salamanderfish European minnow zebra trout gray mullet climbing perch ghost carp pelican gulper Blenny barfish false cat shark halibut Dolly Varden trout lake trout. Pelagic cod swordtail

14 – 18 PM
10 November

Main Event

Monkeys day
in our Zoo

Rudderfish long-finned pike–razorfish menhaden paradise fish, barramundi oceanic flyingfish. Blenny barfish false cat shark halibut. Dolly Varden trout lake trout. Pelagic cod swordtail

Thornyhead salamanderfish European minnow zebra trout gray mullet climbing perch ghost carp pelican gulper Blenny barfish false cat shark halibut Dolly Varden trout lake trout. Pelagic cod swordtail

14 – 18 PM
10 November


What happening
nearest future

Featured Image
10 - 11 AM
10 November
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Featured Image
13 - 15 PM
10 November
More Info
Featured Image
15 - 18 PM
10 November
More Info

what they say
about us

According to Maricina Álvarez, representative of Valencia, Venezuela based organization Asoguau, "Red LAPA represents a huge opportunity to, from our region and perspective, generate learning and education on issues that concern us."

Maricinia Álvares, Asoguau Foundation

"Bringing together our voices for a unique purpose will achieve positive changes for our animals. I'm proud of being a member of Red LAPA".

Yolanda Álvarez, President of the Puerto Rico Animal Protection Federation

Luis Sarmiento, Director of Proyecto ALA Animales Latino América, and leader of Red LAPA, considers that "we needed a network that brought together the organizations from the region with their local knowledge and that has as priorities the interchange of experiences, training, information distribution and joint work of issues that affect our animals and are common to several of the region's countries".

Luis Sarmiento, Director of Proyecto ALA Animales Latino América, and leader of Red LAPA

L A P A Red Latinoamericana de Protección Animal


Some organizations that have trusted us

Corazon Guajito - Red Lapa
Funamasfa - Red Lapa
SPA Barranquilla - Red Lapa
Red Lapa Miembros Fundadores UPPAA
Red Lapa Miembros Fundadores Proyecto ALA